Friday, August 29, 2008

Daddy got caught!

The other morning we caught daddy in the guest bedroom sleeping. (Actually, I won't lie - daddy goes in the guest room a lot to get some rest!)

Camera cord strikes again!

What is the magic about this thing?! I'm convinced it's because she's not supposed to have it.

Such a fruity girl!

It's been super fun giving Ava solids, mainly because she seems to like everything. Banana, rice cereal, squash, apple sauce. We should probably start giving her more veggies...everything so far has been sweet! Here's a shot of her eating a pear today. Yum.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My little fish!

Last weekend Ava went swimming for the first time in the big kids pool! This video is pretty goofy, cause my camera ran out of memory in the middle of it, but you'll get the jist.


Ava has lots of nicknames, based on what she's doing that week. Here she's Jumper! She loves this thing, and it helps mommy have a few minutes to grab a bite to eat and get some dishes done.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Good day, mate!

No...Ava isn't on a safari. Actually, Ava is taking a walk with her daddy this weekend.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

You know you want to....

...jump on this bed and kiss me!

Food, food and more food!

Actually, only about 10% of it goes into her belly. Here are some more shots of her grubbin' down, and the bath that accompanied it. I'm still finding cereal in my ears from that session!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What took me so long??

All this hair...and this is the first official, crazy, bathtime hairstyle I've done! What a schlep!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

I'm a big (and messy) girl, now!

Hooray!! Ava gets solids!! We started giving her cereal last week - after noticing her stare at our dinner plates, then back at us, then back at our dinner plates. She just had the look that said, "Mother, I greatly appreciate your regular offerings, now give me some damn food!" As anyone who has fed a baby knows, it's more about the experience, than the satisfaction of hunger. Here she is eating rice cereal with some mashed up banana and mama's milk. Yum! (I tasted it and it was quite deelish...)

Lunch with the gals...

Last Friday, Ava, my sister, my mom and I enjoyed a girl's lunch. Ava is such good company. After lunch we all went and had pedicures (except Ava, of course). Ava hung with us like a champ. She's so dreamy. Here are some shots from that day. (Except, I can't find the pics of my mom!!!)